


Georgia Library Quarterly, Editorial Board Member. 2022-present.

Refereed Book Chapters

Freeman, J. M. and Sharp L. N. (2023) “Co-creating the Beginnings of a Culture of Belonging at the Georgia Tech Library: Supervisors, Leaders, and a Proposed Model Forward” in Perspectives on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Libraries. IGI Global. (Institutional Repository link)

Refereed Articles

Freeman, J. M. (2023). Flowing through the streams: A case study of Georgia Tech Library Public Services staffing expansion proposal through the lens of Kingdon’s three streams framework. Journal of Access Services. 20(3).  (Institutional Repository link)

Freeman, J. M., Manci, C., Cruz, S., and Sheldon, K. (2023). “’’You have my sword.’ ‘You have my bow.’ ‘And my axe.’: Creating a popular reading collection through interdepartmental collaboration. Public Services Quarterly. 19(2). (Institutional Repository link)

Non-Refereed Articles

Freeman, J. M. (2024, February). From the President. Georgia Library Quarterly. 61(1).

Freeman, J. M. and Cortellino, A. (2022, May). Georgia State Legislative Update: End of Session 2022. Georgia Library Quarterly

Freeman, J. M. (2019, May). I Didn’t Want To Know That! Maintaining Privacy From Incidental Revelation. Choose Privacy Week blog

Freeman, J. M. (2018, July). Intellectual Freedom and Libraries: Building Community. Georgia Library Quarterly.

Barnes, T., Brown, W., Feinstein, J., Freeman, J. M., Jackson, D., and Poku, B. (2017, November). Sorry, Computer Says No: How Library Policies Shape Access. Georgia Public Library Service. White Paper.

Freeman, J. M. and Symons, A. K. (2015, June). On My Mind: Are Libraries Really Serving Everyone? American Libraries.

Freeman, J. M. and Horst, V. (2014, September/October). It’s What Works: Outreach to Probationers and Parolees. Public Libraries.

Other Professional Publications

American Librarian Association Office of Intellectual Freedom blog contributor (2015-2017, 10 posts)